find your own answers, discover your limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck and reset them to positively move forward into new ways of thinking, feeling and being
Do you just 'not feel right'?
Do you feel anxious?
Do you want to feel valued?
Do you want to believe in yourself?
Do you lack confidence?
Do you have a decision to make?
Do you feel 'stuck' and just don't know what's stopping you?
Do you want to change a situation, an issue or how you feel about something or someone in your life?
Are you ready to change how you feel?
"I booked my session because I needed help as I'd recently had a breakdown. Before we started I felt low mood, anxious and tired but during the session I could feel the weight being lifted off my shoulders - you were so calming.
Afterwards I felt mentally exhausted but ready to tackle the outside world. A fantastic result, feeling positive and calm - Nicky you are brilliant and I can't thank you enough.
Please keep doing this, you're amazing and the support and help you gave is so appreciated."
J, 2022
You will evaluate how you feel at the start of your journey
Each week you will enjoy short meditations to enhance and embed the changes you feel.
You will find your own answers, discovering your limiting beliefs that are holding you back then positively re-programme yourself to change how you feel and move forward
You will evaluate how you feel differently after your journey
Have you got some more questions before investing in yourself?
Nicky Marshall - Deep Structure NLP Practitioner & Coach
07533 189864
Falcon Business Centre, Eagle Road
Plymouth PL7 5JY